Cupcake Core


Project Explanation:

The core of the design system framework is html/scss. Having technology agnostic framework has served us incredibly well.

Many teams have designers who can help build and prototype using the core code for a much faster process. Scrum teams can then build off those prototypes and implement features regardless of their applications technology stack.

I also knew I needed a "kitchen sink" style site that could show all the elements live in the browser so we can manage and track visual regressions as well as cross browser testing.

IHS Markit & Ipreo

HTML, SCSS, Design

Project Link:
View Cupcake Demo

Starting Static.

To begin with I set up static build system with gulp that utilizes the best tools for designing, building, testing, and deploying html and css.
I used gulp and handlebars - this allowed me to use templates to loop over data to show a TON of examples without writing the same markup over and over.

I used True for scss unit testing. View the tests here
I used Stylelint for scss unit testing. View the configuration here
Code quality is managed by codefactor. View the results here
For visual regression I used Percy. View the results here
I used travis-ci to run all of these tests. View the Log here
The static page is deployed with Netlify and I use the github integration for previewing changes. View the Demo here
Code is deployed and consumed from npm. View the Package here

In Summary.

I am quite proud of this work. I wrote the entire library myself from the ground up and it is now being used across all Ipreo/IHS Markit apps. Not only did I work hard on matching designs but also providing resiliancy via testing. The end result is a stable, trustworthy, scalable, and beautiful scss library.

Since starting this project - Ipreo was acquired by IHS Markit - Cupcake has been able to save countless hours by easily adjusting our front-end styles to match IHS marketing without rewiting styles on each application. You can view the scss for the entire library here - View Cupcake scss

Please note while very important - the scss is only a small part of the Cupcake Design System I currently run. Please check out the rest of the project information - such as the full case study.

© 2020 Josh Easter - All Rights Reserved